Hearing Aid Adjustment: Based on the thresholds obtained from both objective and subjective assessments, we will proceed with the adjustment of the hearing aids. This adjustment may vary over time, either due to changes in hearing loss or because the child is growing, and we are obtaining more precise thresholds. At the anatomical level, the child’s ear canal also grows, so we will need to adjust them based on that growth using tools such as RECD or REM, depending on the child’s age, as both the length of the external auditory canal and its resonance frequency will change, which is vital for hearing aid adjustment.

RECD: Real Ear to Coupler Difference. It is the difference in decibels at different frequencies between the sound pressure level measured in the real ear and in a 2cc coupler, produced by a transducer that generates the same input signal.

REM: Real Ear Measurements. These are audiological techniques used to achieve more precise adaptation, as they take into account the patient’s ear anatomy and their hearing circumstances, as well as other parameters related to hearing aid performance.

  • Discomfort thresholds: Initially, as a starting point, we will consider the thresholds obtained in the audiological assessment of impedance, as well as the results of real ear measurements and later, also subjectively with the child.
  • Prescription or adjustment method: We work with specific hearing aid programming software for children, taking into account the child’s age and the appropriate signal processing method for them.
  • We will perform all these adjustments in a soundproof room designed for children where you can observe the entire process, and we will be available to explain step by step what we are doing.


Currently, there are subsidies for hearing aids up to 26 years of age. We will advise you and manage it as an authorized center by CatSalut.

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