Once the hearing aids are adjusted, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the child’s performance with their use. This evaluation should be tailored to the child’s age and consider both their cooperation ability and the time they have been using the hearing aids.
To achieve optimal functional gain, meaning appropriate compensation for hearing loss and improved speech discrimination ability, there are various methodologies that vary depending on the child’s age. Different tests and techniques will be employed to obtain quantitative and qualitative data. These may include real-ear measurements and open-field tests with and without hearing aids.
However, beyond objective measurements, feedback from the family, speech therapists, and educators is essential in the follow-up process. Regular communication with them and the use of questionnaires allow for valuable information to make necessary adjustments in the use of hearing aids.
Collaboration among audiology healthcare professionals, the child’s parents or caregivers, and educators creates an environment in which continuous adaptation of the hearing aids can be improved. This holistic approach ensures that the child receives the appropriate support in their auditory and communicative development as they grow and encounter various situations in their school and social environment.
Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that over time, pediatric audiology advances, and new technologies and assessment techniques should be leveraged to ensure that children with hearing loss have access to quality care and can develop their communication skills to their fullest potential. Early detection and close monitoring are key to ensuring that hearing aids are properly adjusted to the child’s changing needs throughout their development.


Currently, there are subsidies for hearing aids up to 26 years of age. We will advise you and manage it as an authorized center by CatSalut.

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